2025-2026 PTA Self-Nomination Form

We are inviting you to participate on next year's PTA board! Please read descriptions of board positions below and select your top 3 choices in order of preference. The number of volunteers required for each position is within each description. 

If you are not ready for the board - that's okay! We are also looking to fill the numerous committees that help make our kid's experience at Geneva Heights go above and beyond. You can put your committee selections below in order of your preference. 


Executive Board:

  • President - Presides over all board and general meetings. Coordinates and communicates with school administration. Represents Geneva Heights in community. 1 person/Year-round.
  • Vice President – Acts as aid to President. Presides over board and general meetings in presidents absence. 1 person/Year-round.
  • VP Membership - Recruits new members year-round, collects dues and maintains membership records. Reports membership numbers to Texas PTA. 1 person/Year-round (start of year heavy)
  • Treasurer - Handles the organization's funds. Writes checks, balances accounts, keeps ledgers for all committees, and coordinates disbursements with President. Prepares organization’s tax return. Creates budget in conjunction with officers and committee chairs. 1 person/Year-round.
  • Secretary - Maintains all official records of PTA. Records in the minutes all business transacted at each meeting. Assists the President in determining a quorum at general and board meetings. Presents minutes from previous meetings. 1 person/Year-round.
  • Parliamentarian - Assists with facilitation and enforcement of Bylaws and Standing Rules; consultant to manage meetings and on parliamentary procedure. 1 person/Year-round.


Committee Chairs (year-around roles) & Committee Member options :

  • Communications (chair) – Oversees communications committee and insures consistency of messaging and strategy. 1 person/Year-round.
    • Geneva Gazette (subchair) – Compiles and distributes weekly newsletter.  Works closely with President, Principal, and community to efficiently inform GHE parents. 1 person/Year-round.
    • Social Media (subchair) – Manages GHE PTA Instagram accounts. Posts on PTA’s behalf on the Instagram and GH Insider Facebook page. Monitors social media channels for questions coming in about the school and its events, activities, etc. 1 person/Year-round.
    • Website (subchair) – Maintains the PTA website. Updates the pages annually and makes changes as necessary. (Could be the same person as newsletter) 1 person/Year-round.
    • Graphic Design/Canva (subchair) – Supports communications and merchandise team graphic needs as needed. Support to be used as needed for social media, signage, newsletter, etc.  1 person/Year-round.
  • IB Liaisons – Communicates regularly with IB coordinator. Coordinates the 5 IB nights (Culture, Literacy, Math, Art, & Science) with the school. Communicates IB needs to the board. 1-2 person role/Year-round
  • Teacher Appreciation Committee
    • Staff Appreciation - Coordinates staff appreciation efforts, including: Thanksgiving gifts, holiday gifts, daily gratitude gifts for Teacher Appreciation week, gift cards for Administration challenges. 1-2 person role/Year-round
    • Teacher Workroom - Keeps the teacher workroom stocked. Replenishes coffee, water, and snacks. Organizes monthly grade level "stock the work room" efforts. 1-2 person role/Year-around
    • PBIS Celebrations Liaison – Works with GHE teachers/staff to coordinate dates, ceremony needs, and prizes/Dojo shop inventory for the Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) ceremonies. 1-2 person role/Year-around.
    • Counselor Liaison – Work with the school counselors to promote programs (red ribbon week, attendance week, etc) 1 person/Year-around
  • Room Parent Coordinator – Coordinates 2 room parents for each room. Communicates information between the room parents and PTA/School. 1 person/Year-round.
  • Teacher Liaisons - GHE elementary teachers who serve as a liaison between GHE teachers and PTA. 1-2 person role/Year-around
  • Volunteer Coordinators – Solicits and manages volunteers for all committees, should be well informed on school policies and the volunteer program. Works closely with school to fill volunteer needs. 1-2 person role/Year-round.
  • Community Outreach/Sponsorships – Oversees PTA fundraising activities to ensure efforts are strategic and coordinated. 1-2 person role/Year-round.
    • Development Liaison - Help support sponsorship chair(s) with fundraising initiatives such as organizing spirit nights or drafting/managing grant applications the chairs identify. Or, if you're a social butterfly and can help us secure GCs or smaller donation items from restaurants or retail shops, this role is made for you! 1 person/Year-round.
    • Marketing Sponsorship Liaison - Create engaging graphics/content for social media and other marketing channels for fundraising initiatives like North Texas Giving Day or sponsor "shout outs" on social and in newsletter. Create fun, quick videos for social and website to help build awareness for specific fundraising needs to support teacher and school needs. 1 person/Year-round.
  • Merchandise – Coordinates and facilitates the design, ordering, inventory, and delivery of GH Spirit Wear/merchandise. 1-2 person role/Year-round.
  • Dads Club Liaison – Serves as liaison between Dad’s Club and PTA. Typically a member of the Dads club. 1 person/Year-round.
  • Peace Pantry – Coordinates all peace pantry activities including holiday bags, food drives, peace pantry closet organization, and funding needs. Works with community partners to fund peace pantry initiatives. Works with peace pantry counterparts at feeder pattern schools.  1-2 person/Year-round.
  • Garden Gurus – Coordinates all garden activities with the school and community. Organizes community events (bed clean ups, leaf donations, etc).  1-2 person/Year-around.
  • Yearbook - Coordinates all yearbook needs with the school. Responsible for managing the yearbook deadlines. Responsible for the theme. 1 person/year-around

Committee Chairs & Committee Members - Specific Events:

  • Back-to-School Picnic (August/September)
  • Grandfriends Day (September)
  • Book Fair (September)
  • Trick-or-Treat Trail (October)
  • Snack Election (November)
  • Holiday Store (December)
  • Kinder Round-Up (March)
  • Fundraising Event (Ex: Fun Run) (April)
  • Field Day (May)

Self Nomination Form